Seasonal Bouquet
ella & louie’s signature bouquet —Full of local blooms and lots of heart, perfect for giving or receiving (treat yo self!). Local blooms (and color) will vary by season. All bouquets are wrapped in paper and have a hidden water source. Ready to put in your favorite vase (or 2 or 3!).
ella & louie’s signature bouquet —Full of local blooms and lots of heart, perfect for giving or receiving (treat yo self!). Local blooms (and color) will vary by season. All bouquets are wrapped in paper and have a hidden water source. Ready to put in your favorite vase (or 2 or 3!).
ella & louie’s signature bouquet —Full of local blooms and lots of heart, perfect for giving or receiving (treat yo self!). Local blooms (and color) will vary by season. All bouquets are wrapped in paper and have a hidden water source. Ready to put in your favorite vase (or 2 or 3!).